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Author: war

Ausbildung zum/zur Kaufmann/Kauffrau für Spedition und Logistikdienstleistungen

As an apprenticing company, we offer motivated junior employees the opportunity to train as Businessperson for Forwarding and Logistics Services. Within three years, our trainees will get to know the various work processes of our industry, due to our extensive range of services, and be involved in specific tasks right from the beginning.

For more information about training contents follow the link BERUFENET der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (provided by the German Federal Labour Office).

GMP+ audit passed

The recertification audit for the feed safety system according to GMP+ International was successfully conducted at EWT by the Schutter Certification BV Rotterdam.

With this certificate, fulfilling the qualifications of standard B4 of the GMP+ FC schemes, we meet our customers’ requirements concerning feed transports.

Fleet enlargement

Since May 1, 2014, Mr. Tarkan Sarikaya has boosted our fleet team as a driver while our new Daimler Benz Actros has enlarged the number of our fleet vehicles.

Mr Sarikaya will mainly take over transports for the construction materials industry in the Sauerland area. With different hauliers in commission, we transport a variety of bulk goods for the construction materials industry in this area and in the Ruhr Area. At sea or on the river, we have long been an established, efficient and reliable partner for the transport and storage of bulk goods. To strengthen and expand our network in road transport, we are constantly enlarging our fleet. Please click here for more information and/or for offers.